WTF is going on in the world?

WTF is going on in the world?

This picture of Gump’s tomatoes is not relevant to the blog post at all – I just thought you might like the picture…..he has at least 25 plants this year…..I HATE tomatoes…I wish he could grow chocolate instead. I am late with the blog as...

Watch what you watch…….

Last night I watched my recorded Oprah show while I sat on the couch eating dinner. Oprah’s guest was Shirley MacLaine – you know, the lady who has lived many times, lives in New Mexico and sees UFO’s on a regular basis. That Shirley MacLaine. She looked pretty good...


For some reason I find my current situation rather amusing. It is 10:30 pm and my husband is already fast asleep. He does that ‘male’ thing where he can turn his brain dial to ‘sleep’, and be in REM land within one minute. I left him to it and...

The Oscars

I hate Sunday nights – I try to squeeze as much time out of them as I can so that Monday morning won’t get here too quickly. I can remember feeling the same way about it when I was young and going to high-school (well the few times I went) – Tonight,...