The Anniversary……

Hello all! I hope you have made it through the week in one piece! Here in Oklahoma, we are enjoying a lovely autumn, warm sunny days and cooler nights – I write this morning, under some duress. The milk in the fridge was sour, so I haven’t had my cup of...


Another week draws to a close. It has been a good week for me, as Forrest the Gumpmeister has been in Alaska all week….yup, Alaska, the last wild frontier. He goes every year to fly fish for salmon. It sounds like a really great time. They fly out to a remote area;...

More Nonsense….

Happy September everyone! You can almost feel the hint of autumn in the air – well you can if you are up every morning at 5:30 a.m. Really, you Americans just don’t get it. In Europe, you will find that most jobs start at 9 o’clock. You get a paid lunch hour, and then...

Life in Tomato Patch USA-ugh

Hello again everyone. Another week draws to a close, and I am so ashamed to tell you that I have not lost a single ounce since my last post….I could make many excuses, and they would be good excuses, but the truth is I have maintained this illustrious weight due...

And they’re off!

Saturday mornings are always off to a good start, when you answer the doorbell wearing a nightgown, only to greet two startled male Jehovah’s witnesses, who think your eyes are now attached to the end of your breasts, clearly visible beneath said night attire....

Date Night..

Hooray! It’s Friday!!!! Another week another wrinkle…… Hello all, I hope you have had a great week! I had a wonderful weekend last week post-blog, as I threw a birthday party for Forrest Gump, a Mexican themed party to be exact. I was so organized… I’d...