Blog - The Brit on the Block
Life with Gump and a dog.
I can’t ignore it; my inbox and mailbox are already starting to fill up with companies trying to sell me insurance and Medicare supplements. And the way my body feels and looks, I can see why they are targeting me. Good grief, it’s really like the movie Alien. Some old, decrepit thing has moved inside my body carrying a little hammer. It bangs away on my joints, bones, and muscles at every opportunity.
What do you mean it’s the New Year?
Some of you may have started your brand new year with a rotten hangover. Others may have slept in late or been up extra early, doing a New Year’s resolution sweaty work-out. I spent my morning at Urgent Care. Bloody viruses. One came uninvited to our Christmas celebrations and knocked four of us sideways. It was the gift that kept on giving.
Wait, what…Autumn? It can’t be!
haven’t written this blog for months, because I’ve been experimenting with a different media platform, and trying to be all writer-ish. Authors, even the non-famous variety, are supposed to generate a newsletter to send out into the world every month. This is important, and a way to stay in touch with your readers and your one fan. But I’m really crap at it.
Remember Me?
copyright redbusphotos Seven months and I haven't written a blog. SEVEN MONTHS!!!! I could supply you with a list of extremely valid reasons, but I...
Times, they are a’changing…
As most of you know, I spent part of May, all of June & part of July in the UK/France/Belgium – I did post some travel pics on my website, but I didn’t write my usual blog. Gump joined me for my last two weeks over there, and we travelled back together. When we got back to the USA, we both got Covid, and stayed put for some time. I took August ‘off’ to regroup after being gone so long, and now it’s time to get back in the saddle.
Only going a little bit nuts…
Greetings everyone and welcome to the end of spring – what…huh? Wasn’t I just complaining that it was already March? Seriously, this year is disappearing as quickly as my waistline did when I turned fifty.
What do you mean it’s March?
Right then. It’s already the middle of March, and my brain is still stuck in December. 2022 seems to have snuck in, and all my good intentions and plans have snuck out.
And so the eating begins…..
t’s early December – the last of the Thanksgiving turkey has hit the road and you’re kidding yourself that you won’t make the same bad choices again. But every day you go to the office, there’s another food gift in the staff kitchen from a company you do business with, or someone brought in something they cooked at home.
Autumn, there you are!
Hello all – I’m back. Well, that’s actually misleading as I haven’t been gone. And that is also misleading because I went to Colorado last week, so yeah, I guess I am back
Tomato Tomayto…
It’s been an odd month. Actually, it feels more like an odd week as time seems to have changed and speeds by as quickly as chocolate leaves the fridge and enters my mouth. Gump’s silly tomatoes have grown like Jack’s beanstalk. He’s had quite a few to eat already but is constantly worrying about this or that blight, and frankly, the selection process over which tomato is going to have in his sandwich is worse than any kid picking out a toy with his birthday money.