by jude bayton | Aug 11, 2010 | Opinion
The other day a charming man passed me on the highway, and called me the female parent of someone having sex because I wasn’t going fast enough for him. It was funny really, because I was going way over the speed limit, I was just annoyed with him for riding my...
by jude bayton | Aug 9, 2010 | Food, Gump
Hooray! It’s Friday!!!! Another week another wrinkle…… Hello all, I hope you have had a great week! I had a wonderful weekend last week post-blog, as I threw a birthday party for Forrest Gump, a Mexican themed party to be exact. I was so organized… I’d...
by jude bayton | Aug 2, 2010 | Opinion
Well it has been a whole week since I got to write something on the blog. I really don’t know how I stay so busy. I have had plenty of time inside the house as the Killer-Bird is still on the rampage. I do not go outside the house now that my...
by jude bayton | Jul 24, 2010 | Animals
My life has turned into an Alfred Hitchcock film. I am a living testimony to Tippi Hedron. We live in a house that is surrounded by trees, it is beautiful and I love being at one with Nature. That is until a bird resembling the size of a pterodactyl moved...
by jude bayton | Jul 14, 2010 | Family, Food
My youngest son lives in Fredericksburg Texas. It is a small town, not very exciting for someone his age. It is part of the ‘Texas Hill Country’, which is news to me as I thought Texas was flat! But I am wrong, hills there are for sure, and it is also a...