My youngest son lives in Fredericksburg Texas. It is a small town, not very exciting for someone his age. It is part of the ‘Texas Hill Country’, which is news to me as I thought Texas was flat! But I am wrong, hills there are for sure, and it is also a very pretty place.

This part of Texas is also known for its peaches. Personally, I don’t like them, I think that when you eat them, the skin feels like you are chewing carpet, and the actual fruit itself tastes like slimy old avon perfume (not that I ever drank perfume)…..

My husband (the gardener/ladybug man) loves peaches. In fact he is liable to rave about their perfection with more passion that he shows at other times……you catch my drift?

So my son is here for a visit, and he brought his new step-dad 2 bushels of peaches , which is the equivalent of about 3 tree loads. My husband became ecstatic when he saw the peaches! He was so excited about them, that I am convinced that he has probably written a new will leaving everything to my son.

I am a fair person, I recognize that we are all different types of people. I can see a person getting wired, crazy, thrilled, loud, happy if they were given the keys to a new Jaguar, or a new house….a date with a movie star….but my husband gets excited about peaches?

I am reminded yet again how my life has changed. That instead of moving to New Mexico and starting a new life, I chose to remain among people who have very differing wants and desires. I also recognize that I am slipping away from the life I was steering myself towards, and instead I am getting caught up in this new role of a wife. In short, I have accepted that I will remain anchored to a place I always planned to leave. I wonder how many of us think about that very thing….?

I am amazed that I can care enough for another human being to deprive myself of an adventure that was long desired, especially a human that I didn’t create. Of course I am always trying to think of ways that I can still have adventures, perhaps from afar (this blog being one of them), but the life I am living today is a far cry from where I thought I would be (does this sound familiar)???? Deep thoughts for a Friday, but still we should always keep sight of our dreams, even if we cannot run and jump smack into the middle of them. Thinking about them keeps us breathing and alive!

Have a good weekend readers…..I will be in the kitchen, trying to find good ways to use hundreds of peaches before they turn rotten…… Jude the chef