My life has turned into an Alfred Hitchcock film. I am a living testimony to Tippi Hedron. We live in a house that is surrounded by trees, it is beautiful and I love being at one with Nature. That is until a bird resembling the size of a pterodactyl moved in……………. I was outside working in the yard, when I turned around to see sharp talons about ten feet away from my face! I ducked and some creature from the Lord of the Rings ‘whooshed’ over my head and took off up into the skies. My mind reeled…what was that? A falcon? A Hawk? Suddenly ‘WHOOSH’ it came at me again, I ducked and yelled out still trying to get my legs to move, as I did it dive-bombed me for a third time and I ran under the porch. I was shaken…..I spend hours in my yard because I love to work outside, I feed the birds, skip around like Snow White and I talk to the butterflies….but that was before the bully moved into the neighborhood.

My husband thinks I am being silly, and a little dramatic, but that is because he isn’t scared of it like I am, although it could be to do with the fact that he hasn’t had a four-foot wing-span headed straight for his eyes. I have refused to go outside, and everytime he leaves the sanctity of the house I pray the damn monster will have a go at him so that he know how it feels to be trapped in your own home! My husband says he will just carry a tennis racket and if it comes at him “Smack!” I tell him if I can beat him at Racquetball, then things aren’t looking good for him in the swatting bird department. I also tell him that he will be too busy ducking to do anything. It is a dilemma for sure. I want to shoot the bird because it is not going to get any better (it has dived on me 3 more times), and it will also return to nest here next year. I don’t condone killing creatures, far from it, but I have no issue with getting rid of this thing. I also tell my husband that at some point he will have to pick which one he wants to live with as one of us is going to have to go……. I guess on the bright side it gets me out of a lot of mowing. Jude the scared……