Blimey, it’s 2020!

Blimey, it’s 2020!

2020….it’s weird even typing those numbers, never mind living in this time. How on earth did we get into the future?  You know, being born in the nineteen hundred’s, now sounds like I was born in the Victorian ages. I do feel quite aged. Did all of you go out and...

Don’t Eat….It’s the New Year!

Hooray! Another New Year has arrived!!!! Ok troops….now it is time to… Make your New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Pretend to yourself and others that you really mean to do it this time! While shopping, casually glance at health and fitness magazines as you reach...

Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down

Friday already…..funny how the weeks are just speeding up as we get towards the end of the year. It is as though Father Time knows we are not even slightly ready to cook a sodding Turkey, and start that bloody awful Christmas shopping stuff….ugh….I, however, will not...

Happy New Year!

I have decided to start my new year in February. There are several reasons for this. 1. I am usually in a bad mood in January 2. I like to be different 3. I can avoid dieting for 31 extra days 4. By February, I have determined who didn’t send me a Christmas card, and...

The Ravings of a sick mind…..

A few weeks ago I was bragging to all of you about how I was going to the gym. I was determined to finally lose all the post-pregnancy weight I have carried around for the past 34 years (funny how that works), and I was miraculously going to look younger and fitter,...

Fathers Day

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Father’s Day. They are usually good because we women plan them. We always remember to buy a card…..we always buy a gift that is wanted, and usually useful. We cook favourite dinners, meals and we give them a day to...