I have decided to start my new year in February. There are several reasons for this.

1. I am usually in a bad mood in January

2. I like to be different

3. I can avoid dieting for 31 extra days

4. By February, I have determined who didn’t send me a Christmas card, and if they are not Jewish, Muslim or too poor to afford a stamp, I can re-evaluate who I will be friends with for the upcoming year.

Hopefully this will be a year of growth -not physical, but mental and emotional –Therefore I have my ‘list’ of ‘promises’ I make to myself instead of resolutions (they are just so over-done)

 I am going to try very hard to overcome the raging hormonal civil war that is currently taking place inside my aging body.

 I shall endeavor to conquer the immediate urge to cry every time I hear an ambulance siren, or see an old person,

 I will try to eat things that aren’t just made of chocolate or gummy stuff.

 I will lose all my extra weight.

 I will stop lying about trying to lose all my extra weight.

 I will try to be kinder to stupid people

 I will stop calling people stupid

 I will try to come up with a better list for 2012

But the upside of this year is I am still alive and kicking. Made it through the 51st birthday and find it funny that I am as old as I always thought my mum was……….????

Yep, it is tough being in your fifties, isn’t it girls? The search for a ‘real’ bra is depressing. How about trying to paint your toenails? It is almost an Olympic sport now that you can’t see your feet anymore. I remember having that problem when I was pregnant, but at least back then I could hoist a leg up, and get at my toes that way. Now I am 51, the hoisting might throw out a hip, so I pay short people from Asia to do it for me instead…… Wow, I have become the woman I used to see when I walked past the nail salons thinking “lady, get a life”……. Well, I have missed chatting on here – Sorry it has been so long, but many events took my brain far away. But I have returned, and want to thank all of you for being there….. Jude with the red toenails. xx