I hope that everyone had a wonderful Father’s Day. They are usually good because we women plan them. We always remember to buy a card…..we always buy a gift that is wanted, and usually useful. We cook favourite dinners, meals and we give them a day to remember – and that is just for our husbands/mates !!!!!

I thought about my dad on Father’s Day. I am sure many of you can relate as perhaps you have also lost your Father. I thought about how much I would have liked to talk to him for a little while. Catch him up on all the things that have happened in the past ten years since he died. Tell him that he is a great-grandfather now, that he would be very proud of the many accomplishments his family have acheived. I know that those of you out there without your dads probably thought about the same things too. Sometimes it is hard to understand why we have to lose someone so incredibly important in our lives. At 50, I can appreciate that regardless of being close or not, my Father was a great example of being the head of our family. He was our first line of defense, and our shelter from life’s storms. This he did without brawn, and without expectation of thanks or reward. He accomplished all with his intellect and his respect for others. Fathers are a very hard act to follow. If you still have yours, cherish the moments……. Jude