
Wow, who would have thought that something coming out of the rear end of a large mammal could make food taste…..better? I do not like vegetables, a fact that caused great consternation to many, and one that kept me sitting at the dining table for many hours as a...

At home in the backyard…

My husband and I have been busy planting in our yard, this is our first year at the house, so it has been an education. I take care of the flowers, he takes care of the veggies, and we are a little competitive about whose garden is doing the best. However, both our...

Men and Gardens

What is the deal with men and growing vegetables? Women can give birth to a new human being, and a man might cry one tear and feel fullfilled as the head of a family. But a man that can produce a squash, a spinach head or a tomato becomes the Alpha, the bull of the...

Passion in the Petals….

So I strolled out into the yard today with my camera in hand, I thought I would take a picture of the pretty rose bush I recently planted, as it is coming along nicely. As I got closer, I saw that it had many blooms, so I picked one out to photograph, zoomed in on the...