Nana’s in the Hood

Nana’s in the Hood

I have recently returned from the wilds of Colorado, where I have been baby-sitting grandchildren, cooking fish-sticks and chicken nuggets. I have watched both the ‘Angrybirds’ and ‘Minions’ movies and I’ve also become quite an expert critic of Disney shows...
Barbara Dorothy Bayton

Barbara Dorothy Bayton

Today is a poignant day in my life. It marks the second year of the day my mother died. It’s hard to be funny today, something almost disrespectful in trying to be amusing. I know many of you have lost your mothers, or your fathers, or both. Some of you may have even...
Rocky Mountain High

Rocky Mountain High

Finally! I have been so behind with the blog the past couple of weeks – I am very sorry! I have no valid excuses, other than I’ve been somewhat preoccupied. As you might have deduced from the photo, oh, and the title…. I’ve been out of the...
To Neil – Wherever you may be…….

To Neil – Wherever you may be…….

A long time ago (1976), in a distant land far away (England) there was a young girl of fifteen. She met a handsome prince who showered her with love, cigarettes and chocolate, took her to discos and told her that she was very pretty and that he loved her – six...
Fifty-Six going on Ninety-Six

Fifty-Six going on Ninety-Six

I am senile. I have been fighting it for some time now, but the awful realization keeps rearing its ugly head as each day I seem to commit another blunder. Apart from the usual mistakes I make, here are some of the things I constantly forget: People’s names I have...